Friday, April 07, 2006


It's that time of year! I was hiking near Shaw Butte and made it to the summit of a little mountain. As I was walking along, I saw this snake curled up on a rock catching some rays. He was little, probably about a foot long. I wasn't sure what kind of snake it was until I got behind him and saw the distinct pit-viper shape of his head. He then removed all doubt when he started shaking his tail and chased me off. He actually followed me a few feet.

This isn't my first rattlesnake encounter on a hike. Last year while on Black Mountain in Carefree, I saw a huge rattlesnake, at least 6 feet long and maybe longer. The more I tell the story, the longer the snake gets. But it was no doubt huge. He didn't rattle at us, it was just sheer luck that I saw him slithering along. By the time I could whip my camera out, I could only get the last couple feet of him.

You know, hiking and nature is nice and all, but there's nothing quite like being within striking distance of a six foot rattlesnake to make you want to go home, turn on the A/C, plop down on the couch, and watch cable TV.